
segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2013

Queen Of The Stone Age - "I Appear Missing" #Watchvideo #Rock

Novo video "I Appear Missing" do Queen Of The Stone Age animação de 3 minutos e capa do album feita por Liam Braizer  do album
...Like Clockwork. via Matador em 4 de junho na versão do album a musica terá 6 minutos

Last week, Queens of the Stone Age posted a link to an eerie site promoting their upcoming album ...Like Clockwork. (Out June 4 on Matador.)
Now, it's May 6, and QOTSA have revealed "a video a trailer scored by three minutes of the never-before-heard "I Appear Missing", according to Matador. (The album version of the track is six minutes long.) It features creepy, bloody artwork by Boneface, who also designed the ...Like Clockwork album cover, animated by Liam Brazier.

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