
quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2013

Miss May I - Onibus Da Banda é atingido por pedras #Metal #Soundclouds

Estou  falando que foi um ato aleatório de alguém no Texas atirou sem saber que o onibus era de uma banda  sesaber que nós não  eramos  alvo. Afinal, do lado de fora ele parece apenas um ônibus comum.
A foto abaixo foi feita pelo vocalista Levi Benton via

Felizmente ninguém ficou ferido!

Miss May I bus gunshot

@missmayiband are currently trekking through North America supporting Killswitch Engage on their epic tour. As their bus was driving through Texas, the band got an unexpected surprise, in the form of a bullet through a glass window of their bus.

The above is the photo frontman Levi Benton posted to his Instagram page with the caption:
“Someone shot at our bus last night while we were driving through Texas. No one was hurt thankfully. Crazy!”
I'm assuming this was just a random instance of somebody in Texas randomly shooting off their gun and not that the band was being targeted. After all, from the outside it just looks like a bus.
Thankfully nobody was hurt!
A foto acima foi feita pelo vocalista Levi Benton via


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